Wanda Michalak “World Watching” 11.11- 23.12.2006

November 11, 2006 6:33 pm Published by
Royal NP, Australia 200
Logo Gallery WM 11 November – 23 December 2006.
Exhibition. Black & white self-portraits in landscapes. A visual diary, a chronicle of places and emotions. Includes recent works. 
My passion is portrait. And landscape. And travelling. I try to combine them. My landscapes are portraits of nature. The naked body becomes landscape. Portrait, nude, landcape, and self-portrait are united to form a single image. Within it, I become a part of nature. Even the most beautiful place might not be chosen if I don’t “feel” it. A place should allow me to discover myself, I have to “fall in love” with it. Perhaps that is why I stand naked in landscapes. Eve in the garden of paradise? Perhaps. My auto-portraits show a world which is beautiful, pristine, romantic. A world that could be, that is, in fact, it just needs to be rediscovered. The “World Watching” series is a visual diary, a chronicle of places and emotions. A lot of fun, fear sometimes, enchantment, and dissappointment.
Simply put – I love to be landscape.

Wanda Michalak

Wanda Michalak: Royal NP, Australia 2004

Ter gelegenheid van deze tentoonstelling wordt het nieuwe fotoboek “World Watching”van Wanda Michalak gepresenteerd. Een uniek fotografisch dagboek over de periode 1992 – 2006. 

Wanda Michalak: Playa Ventura, Mexico 2005

Wanda Michalak: Switzerland 2005

