Hamish Horsley - "Coloured Earth"

1990 Barings Bank Travel Award
1985 Henry moore Foundation Study Bursary
1979 City and Guildes Sculpture Prize
1978 Mme Tussaud's Sculpture Award

gallery wm

Selected Group Exhibitions
2001 Summer Sculpture Show, Hannah Peschar Gallery, Surrey, UK
2000 International Sculpture Symposia, Bad Laasphe, Germany
1998 Sculptures and drawings, Southwark Festival, London, UK
          New sculptures, Roche Court Sculpture Park, Salisbury, UK
          Tibetan Images, Museum of Art and Design, Helsinky, Finland
1995 Tibetan Images, Commonwealth Institute Galleries, London, UK
          Tibetan Images, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
1994 Tibetan Images, Olympic Stadium, Barcelona, Spain
1993 Tibetan Images, Royal Academy of Art, London, UK
1992 Summer Sculpture Show, Hannah Peschar Gallery, Surrey, UK
1990 Garden Festival, Gateshead, UK
          Summer Sculpture Show, Hannah Peschar Gallery, Surrey, UK
1989 Sculpture 80-89, St Edna's Park, Dublin, Ireland
1984 Sea Change, London Docklands, London, UK