Izabela Jaroszewska “La Mer & De Profundis 11.09 – 16.10.2004
September 11, 2004 9:07 pm
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De Poolse fotografe Izabela Jaroszewska studeerde af aan de Kunstakademie van Poznan (Polen) nadat zij eerst Rechten had gestudeerd. Zij is tegenwoordig directeur en lerares aan de European Academy of Photography in Warschau. Zij schrijft regelmatig artikelen in veschillende fotobladen. Zij heeft ook lezingen gehouden aan de Koninklijke Kunstakademie te Den Haag. Zij heeft veelvudig geexposeerd in Polen en in andere Oosteuropese landen, maar haar werken zijn nog nooit eerder vertoond in Nederland.
In deze tentoonstelling presenteert zij recente zwart/wit werken uit haar projekten “La Mer” en “De Profundis”, twee series vol mystiek en symboliek. Het project “De Profundis” is een poging om het gebed in beeld te brengen. De titel suggereert al waar de fotos over gaan, “de profundis”, fotografie van de diepgang. “What I am aiming at – I want to photograph people’s souls. I hope that these pictures are full of tension and mystery which can make people feel peace” (Izabela Jaroszewska) De serie “La Mer” toont de rust maar ook het oneindige van de zee en misschien ook van het leven. Hier ook is er sprake van fotografie uit de diepte… De expositie is te zien van 11 september t/m 16 oktober 2004 in fotogalerie WM, Elandsgracht 35 te Amsterdam. De opening zal plaatsvinden op vrijdag 10 september van 17.00 to 20.00 uur. |
![]() Izabela Jaroszewska “De Profundis” |
![]() Izabela Jaroszewska “De Profundis” |
“DE PROFUNDIS” These pictures were taken in the contemplative female convent in Poland. I would like to show how Polish carmelite sisters lives and prays in their inner “place of life”. The project “De Profundis” is a trial to photograph the state of prayer. The title of the cycle suggests what these photos are about, ‘de profundis,’ that is photographs form the depth. I’m interested in photography that walks into transcendental reality. For me transcendental reality means what all religions aim at, that is Love. Love is the basis of all our life. Someone who cannot love, cannot open himself. Love is the condition of growth and development. Somebody who loves can also accept. What we are left with at the end of our lives are not our achievements and works. We will have to ask the question how much we loved. Nobody will ask if we were Catholics, Evangelists or Buddhists. It is the message of all the religions. This is what I would like to say in the cycle. I tried to do this by photography. There are no coincidences, it’s the photographer not the camera that takes the photo. The camera is only a beam the energy from the photographer to the photographed object goes through. During the session there comes the moment of complete silence. Someone stands in front of the photographer because he knows that he will be photographed. The lack of concentration is out of question, silence is needed. What I am aiming at – I want to photograph people’s souls. I hope that these pictures are full of tensions and mystery which can make people feel peace. ©Izabela Jaroszewska |
![]() Izabela Jaroszewska “La Mer” |
LA MERCykl prezentowanych zdjêæ powsta³ z inspiracji symfoni¹ Claude’a Debussy’ego pt. „La mer” (Morze). Morze zawsze kojarzy siê nam z nieustaj¹cym rytmem ¿ycia. Przyp³yw i odp³yw, narodziny, ¿ycie i œmieræ. I tak morze sta³o siê pretekstem do powstania przypowieœci filozoficznej na temat ludzkiej egzystencji. Stara³am siê uchwyciæ to, co ulotne i przemijaj¹ce, tak jak muzyka i ci¹gle zmieniaj¹ce siê morze. Powsta³y obrazy poetyckie, czasem niepokoj¹ce. Muzyki nie mo¿na zdefiniowaæ, mo¿na jej tylko pozwoliæ „stawaæ siê”. Wa¿ny jest tylko brzmi¹cy w tej chwili dŸwiêk. Nie mo¿na jej przechowaæ, bo nie da siê zatrzymaæ tego, co przemijaj¹ce. Jak mówi³ s³ynny dyrygent Sergiu Celibidache: „Istnieje podobienstwo pomiêdzy tym, co s³yszê i moim wewnêtrznym œwiatem. Jeœli jakiœ dŸwiêk otwiera mnie, to dlatego, ¿e pomiêdzy tym, co s³yszê a moim wewnêtrznym œwiatem istnieje œcis³e dopasowanie. Powstaje ono, gdy to, co mnie dog³êbnie poruszy³o przetwarza siê w now¹ formê. Zale¿noœæ pomiêdzy dŸwiêkiem i wewnêtrznym ¿yciem czlowieka umo¿liwia powstanie muzyki i wkroczenie do œwiata ciszy”. Fotografie powsta³y w 2002 i 2003 roku nad Morzem Ba³tyckim, Adriatyckim i Pó³nocnym. ©Izabela Jaroszewska |
![]() Izabela Jaroszewska “La Mer” |
Curriculum Vitae – Izabela Jaroszewska born in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland.She graduated from: The University of A. Mickiewicz in Poznan – Department of Law and Administration with a Master’s degree, The Higher State School of Cinema, Television and Theatre in Lodz – postgraduate study. She is also a graduate from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan with a bachelor’s degree.She was the vicedirector at the School of Photography of the Polish Union of Artist Photographers in Warsaw. Currently she is the director and also an instructor at the European Academy of Photography in Warsaw (www.eaf.com.pl). She lectured at The Royal Academy of Art in the Hague and had given workshop in Iceland. Member of Portfolio reviewers during the International Meetings of Photography -Plovdiv, Bu³garia. She is also honour member of the board in The House of Photography in Warsaw, Poland. She write articles for photographic magazines: Pozytyw and Kwartalnik Fotografia. Izabela Jaroszewska´s photographs were exhibited in: Her photographs are in the permanent collection of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan and in private collections in Poland, France, Iceland, USA. Books: www.jaroszewska.eaf.com.pl |
![]() Izabela Jaroszewska “La Mer” ![]() Izabela Jaroszewska “La Mer” |
Tags: Izabela Jaroszewska