Hamish Horsley - "Coloured Earth"
gallery wm

Address 11 Newburn House, Newburn Street, London SE11 5PR
Phone/fax +44 (0) 20 7582 7917
Email hhorsley@dircon.co.uk
Website www.hamishhorsley.com

1982-86 Royal College of Art - MA RCA
1975-79 City and Guilds of London Art School - Dip FA 1st Class
1969-70 Canterbury University Art School, New Zealand

Solo Exhibitions
2001 Coloured Earth, WM Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland
2000 New Work, Churleigh Gardens Gallery, London, UK
2000 Festival Exhibition, Royal Circus Gallery, Edinburgh, UK
1996 Journeys, Sarjeant Gallery, New Zealand
1986 Stone works, Chisenhale Gallery, London, UK