Marloes der Kinderen “Water on Edge” 28.02 – 20.06.2020
January 5, 2020 10:00 amEXTENDED until June 20th 2020 / VERLENGD t/m 20 juni 2020
The gallery is again open and can be visited every week from Wednesday through Saturday from 2pm to 6 pm.
De galerie is weer open. Elke week van woensdag t/m zaterdag 14:00-18:00 uur.
Gallery WM presenteert met trots de tentoonstelling ‘Water on Edge’ met een selectie van fotografische werken en korte one-shot films van de Nederlandse kunstenaar Marloes der Kinderen.
Al meer dan acht jaar is Marloes der Kinderen (Eindhoven, 1957) regelmatig te vinden aan de oevers van een exclusief, maagdelijk stuk rivier, de Allier genaamd, in het hart van het Franse Centraal Massief, op zoek naar het onaantastbare. Ze kent alle stromingen van deze rivier, lopend of uren zittend langs de oever, de omgeving observerend, gefascineerd door de ongerepte wildernis en biodiversiteit. Enkel gewapend met haar camera, identificeert en legt der Kinderen discreet vluchtige, vergankelijke momenten vast. Haar geduld en observatievermogen stellen haar in staat het onzichtbare te ontdekken.
Het resultaat van deze peregrinaties fascineert door zijn rijkdom en schoonheid. Meer dan dat, biedt der Kinderen een nieuwe kijk op dingen door de vooraf vastgestelde wetten van horizontaliteit uit te dagen, waardoor ze het ongeziene kan onthullen. Haar werken stimuleren de nieuwsgierigheid van de kijker en nodigen uit om stil te staan bij de beelden en ze bevragend te beschouwen.
Zien we mensen, monsters, geesten? Zijn dit animistische afbeeldingen? Is dit het nieuwe neo-romantisme? Hebben we te maken met een ecologische verklaring? Ten slotte, is er echt behoefte aan enige uitleg?
De werken spreken door en voor zichzelf. Wat eventueel wel belangrijk is te vermelden, is dat de foto’s van Der Kinderen op geen enkele manier digitaal zijn gemanipuleerd. Het is aan de kijkers om hun fantasie de vrije loop te laten en met hun eigen interpretatie te komen. Dit vereist wel een bezoek aan de tentoonstelling.
Marloes der Kinderen zal aanwezig zijn op de opening op Vrijdag 28 februari 2020 bij Gallery WM

(c) Marloes der Kinderen
Marloes Der Kinderen werd geboren in 1957 in Eindhoven. Ze studeerde een jaar beeldende kunst aan de Academie St. Joost in Hertogenbosch en runde in haar vroege jaren 20 een galerie voor hedendaagse kunst in Eindhoven. Der Kinderen voltooide haar opleiding als docent Beeldende Kunst aan Te Ha Tex in Tilburg en gaf daarna enkele jaren les op een middelbare school in het vak tekenen.
Der Kinderen heet een reizende Art School, Artedu opgezet, met cursussen en workshops in Nederland, België en zes verschillende locaties in Frankrijk. Toonaangevende kunstenaars en docenten zoals Rob Nypels, Bert Verhoeff , Marc Mildner en vele anderen werden aangetrokken om de cursussen te geven in fotografie, tekenen en schilderen, muziek, filosofie en creatief schrijven.
Der Kinderen verdeelt momenteel haar tijd tussen Chanteuges (Frankrijk – Centraal Massief) en een winterhuis op het ‘eiland’ Marken, nabij Amsterdam.
(c) Marloes der Kinderen
28 February – 30 May 2020
Opening: Friday 28 February 5:30 – 7:30PM
Gallery WM in Amsterdam is proud to present the exhibition “Water on Edge” with a selection of photographic works and short one-shot films by Dutch artist Marloes der Kinderen.
For more than eight years Marloes der Kinderen (Eindhoven, 1957) has been regularly wandering along this exclusive twenty-kilometer-long virgin stretch of the Allier river in the heart of the French Massif Central, in search of the untouchable. She knows all the drifts across the river, walking along the shore, observing the surroundings, fascinated by the pristine wilderness and the biodiversity. Armed with her camera, she identifies and discretely captures fleeting, ephemeral instants, favoring windless situations with optimal luminosity. Her patience and sense of observation allows her to uncover the invisible.
The result of these peregrinations fascinates through its richness and beauty. More than that, der Kinderen offers a new look on things by challenging the pre-established laws of horizontality, allowing her to reveal the unseen. Her works stimulate the curiosity of the viewer, inviting him to dwell on the images and contemplate them questioningly.
Are we seeing human beings, monsters, spirits? Are these animistic pictures? Is this new neo-romantic? Are we dealing with an ecological statement? Finally, is there really a need for any explanation?
The works speak by themselves. Unless it is to say that der Kinderen’s photographs have not been manipulated in any way. As for the rest, it is up to the viewers to let their imagination run wild and come up with their own interpretation. This does require a visit to the exhibition.
The artist will be present at the opening on Friday 28 February 5:30 – 7:30PM at Gallery WM.
Marloes Der Kinderen was born in Eindhoven 1957. She studied Fine Art at the Academie St Joost in Hertogenbosch and in her early 20’s was running a modern art gallery in Eindhoven. Der Kinderen completed an education as a Fine Art teacher at TeHa Tex in Tilburg and in the 1980’s worked full time as a high school teacher.
Der Kinderen established an itinerary Art School, Artedu, with courses and workshops in Holland, Belgium and six different locations in France which attracted leading artists such as Rob Nypels and Bert Verhoeff and held workshops drawing and painting, photography, music, philosophy and creative writing courses.
As part of Artedu, Der Kinderen developed an art-training programme entitled CREAM Creative Active Management Development. CREAM combines of rightbrain drawing and management strategies for entrepreneurs.
In 1998 Der Kinderen initiated a “Maison d’hôtes”, Bed & Breakfast and restaurant in La Grande Maison in Chanteuges, Auvergne (France); one of the sites of her Artedu workshops.
Chanteuges has become a permanent centre for Artedu and also houses an atelier where Der Kinderen has finally had time to return to her own painting, collage and photographic works.
Der Kinderen currently splits her time between Chanteuges and a winter home in Marken, near Amsterdam
Let us take you through the show, click on this link:
We are also presenting 4 short films at the exhibition. To watch them click on the links hereunder. The password is MDK
- Water on Edge IV (2018) 1’24”:
- Water on Edge II (2018) 2’18” :
- Water on Edge Film 4864 (2018) 0’48”: extract only
- Water on Edge Film 1683 “Leafs Fall but the Trees Remain” (2019) 6’21”:
Hereunder a summary listing of all the photos of the exhibition with complete data and options.
None of these works have been manipulated (no fotoshop). The images simply reflect what the artist saw.
We offer a 10% discount on all works hanging in the gallery.

1. “Water on Edge” 2584-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 53x80cm edition 2/5 €1850,-

2. Water on Edge 2584-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 45x45cm edition 1/5 €980,-

3. “Water on Edge” 2593-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilkovak 45x45cm €980,-

4. “Water on Edge” 0160-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 45x45cm edition 1/5 €980,-

5. “Water on Edge” 9057-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 53x80cm edition 2/5 €1850,-

6. “Water on Edge” 8439-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 53x80cm edition 1/5 €1850,-

7. “Water on Edge” 2470-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 53x80cm edition 1/5 €1850,-

8. “Water on Edge” pigment print by the artist on Hahnemuhle paper, wooden frame and museum glass, 20x30cm edition 1/5 €550,-

9. “Water on Edge” pigment print by the artist on Hahnemuhle paper, wooden frame and museum glass, 20x30cm edition 1/5 €550,-

10. “Water on Edge” pigment print by the artist on Hahnemuhle paper, wooden frame and museum glass, 20x30cm edition 1/5 €550,-

11. “Water on Edge” pigment print by the artist on Hahnemuhle paper, wooden frame and museum glass, 20x30cm edition 1/5 €550,-

12. “Water on Edge” pigment print by the artist on Hahnemuhle paper, wooden frame and museum glass, 20x30cm edition 1/5 €550,-

13. “Water on Edge” pigment print by the artist on Hahnemuhle paper, wooden frame and museum glass, 20x30cm edition 1/5 €550,-

14. “Water on Edge” 8460-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 66x100cm edition 1/5 €1950,-

15. “Water on Edge” 2824-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 66x100cm edition 1/5 €1950,-

16. “Water on Edge” 0377-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 75x100cm edition 1/5 €1950,-

17. “Water on Edge” 2554-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 100x100cm edition 1/5 €2500,-

19. “Water on Edge” 3114-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 100x100cm edition 2/5 €2500,-

19. “Water on Edge” 4821-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 66x100cm edition 1/5 €1950,-

20. “Water on Edge” 0159-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 66x100cm edition 1/5 €1950,-

21. “Water on Edge” 2931-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 66x100cm edition 1/5 €1950,-

23. “Water on Edge” 8324-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 133x100cm edition 1/5 €3050,-

24. “Water on Edge” Triptich I 2017 handmade art print mounted on Alusilk on Dibond by Colloron Haarlem 80x100cm edition 1/5 € 1950,-

25. “Water on Edge” Triptich II 2016 handmade art print mounted on Alusilk on Dibond by Colloron Haarlem 75x100cm edition 1/5 € 1950,-

26. “Water on Edge” Triptich III 2015 handmade art print mounted on Alusilk on Dibond by Colloron Haarlem 80x100cm edition 1/5 € 1950,-

26. “Water on Edge” 3691+9823-2017 Chromaluxe handmade art-print by Wilcovak 43x150cm edition 1/5 €1950,-
All photos are available in 4 sizes in a limited edition of 5+1AP, signed, titled and numbered in the back in:
- 100x150cm Chromaluxe and Dibond 3050,-
- 100x100cm Chromaluxe and Dibond 2500,-
- 80x50cm or 80x80cm Chromaluxe and Dibond 1850,-
- 40×30/25cm or 45x45cm Chromaluxe and Dibond 980,-
- 20x20cm on A3 or 30x30xm Hahnemuhle paper or mat smooth 450,-
We offer a 10% discount on all works hanging in the gallery.
For orders please contact the gallery.
Our mailing address is: and
Tags: Marloes der Kinderen