About Kasia Fortuna
November 3, 2017 2:49 pmKatarzyna Fortuna graduated in 1998 from the Film Academy in Łodź, coming top of her year. Kasia’s specializes in the photography of people often using the images of plants,... Continue reading
Katarzyna Fortuna graduated in 1998 from the Film Academy in Łodź, coming top of her year. Kasia’s specializes in the photography of people often using the images of plants,... Continue reading
From October 14th through November 11th 2017 Gallery WM is delighted to present the duo-exhibition: Wabi Sabi – The Love of Imperfection by Kasia Fortuna & Room with a View... Continue reading
The Man Who Came Down to Earth De jonge Poolse fotografe Katarzyna Fortuna exposeert voor het eerst in Nederland. In deze tentoonstelling toont zij haar meest recente serie fotos... Continue reading