Coming exhibition.

Patricia Werner Ribas “Balbúrdia” 09.05 – 07.06.2025

Opening Friday Friday May 9th, 5-7 PM / Vrijdag 9 mei 17:00-19:00 uur     Balbúrdia The Dutch occupation of Northeast Brazil in the seventeenth century is relatively unknown in... Continue reading

Wanda Michalak

Wanda Michalak fotografeert portretten, landschappen en naakten. Belangrijk is de nadruk die zij daarbij legt op de onderlinge samenhang, de “connectie”, een woord dat veelvuldig terugkomt in de titels van haar tentoonstellingen. Continue reading

Pete's portraits

Over the years I've taken a lot of photo's of the exhibitors at Gallery WM. Although taking pictures isn't that difficult, it's making pictures that takes all the effort. Creating something which wasn't there before. Continue reading