“Biochromes – Medicinal Plant Cycles” by Renata Buziak
May 19, 2017 7:41 pmFrom 2 September through 7 October, 2017, Gallery WM is delighted to present:
Medicinal Plant Cycles
Renata Buziak
Opening: Saturday, September 2nd 2017, 17:00-19:00 hrs. The artist will be present!
“Renata Buziak makes art by arranging plants on photographic materials and allowing them to decompose. Photographic papers contain gelatine, so Renata can create breeding grounds for microbes and other elements of decay. These create their own pigments, which work with light to create stunning and unusual pictures.”
The current exhibition “Biochromes – Medicinal Plant Cycles “by the Australian-Polish artist Renata Buziak is not simply a photographic document. It is also the result of ethnobotanical and anthropological consultations with the indigenous Quandamooka community of Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) an island off the east coast of Australia.
The images of medicinal plants presented here are based on the fusion of organic and photographic materials in a process of decomposition that Buziak calls the biochrome.
“Biochromes are generated by arranging plant samples on photographic emulsions, and allowing them to transform through the bacterial micro-organic activities that are part of cyclic decay and regeneration. This process of developing images through decomposition led me to work with time-lapse photography, which allows recording the blossoming and movement of fungi and microbes.”
The title of this exhibition refers to plant cycles, cycles of decay and renewal, the cycle of passing on knowledge, the cycle of time, seasons, and the constant flux of natural processes.
The exhibition is augmented with audio recordings, accompanying a video, that are excerpts from recorded dialogues with several members of the Quandamooka People, whose willingness to participate was essential to the realisation of this project.
Through this exhibition, Buziak hopes to reveal a beauty in decomposition, and raise notions of transformative cycles. This focus on Minjerribah’s medicinal plants aims to promote the recognition, appreciation, and value of local medicinal plants in the context of Aboriginal knowledge and natural science.
Renata Buziak will be present during the opening from 17-19hrs on Saturday 2nd of September, 2017 at Gallery WM.
*Renata Buziak is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, state and territory governments.
Medicinal Plant Cycles
Renata Buziak
De huidige tentoonstelling “Biochromes – Medicinal Plant Cycles” door de Pools-Australische kunstenaar Renata Buziak is niet simpelweg een fotografisch document. Het is ook het gevolg van etnobotanische- en antropologische discussies met de inheemse Quandamooka gemeenschap van Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island), een eiland aan de oostkust van Australië.
De afbeeldingen van geneeskrachtige planten die hier worden gepresenteerd, zijn gebaseerd op de fusie van organische en fotografische materialen in een ontbindingsproces die Buziak de ‘biochroom’ noemt.
“Biochromen worden gegenereerd door het schikken van plantenmonsters op fotografische emulsies, waardoor ze kunnen transformeren door de bacteriële micro-organische activiteiten die onderdeel zijn van het proces van cyclisch verval en regeneratie. Dit proces van het ontwikkelen van beelden door ontbinding heeft mij ertoe geleid om te werken met time-lapse fotografie, waardoor de bloei en beweging van schimmels en microben vast te leggen is.”
De titel van deze tentoonstelling heeft betrekking op plantencycli, cycli van verval en vernieuwing, de cyclus van kennisoverdracht, de cyclus van tijd, seizoenen en de constante stroom van natuurlijke processen.
De tentoonstelling wordt aangevuld met geluidsopnamen, die een video begeleiden, die bestaan uit fragmenten van opgenomen dialogen met meerdere leden van de Quandamooka bevolking, wiens bereidwilligheid en deelname essentieel was voor het realiseren van dit project.
Middels deze tentoonstelling hoopt Buziak de schoonheid van ontbinding te openbaren en de notie van transformatieve cycli uit te lichten. Door de focus op de medicinale planten van Minjerribah te leggen, tracht Buziak de de erkenning en de waardering voor lokale geneeskrachtige planten te bevorderen in de context van zowel inheemse (Aboriginal) kennis als de natuurwetenschappen.
Renata Buziak zal aanwezig zijn tijdens de opening van 17-19 uur op zaterdag 2 september 2017 in Gallery WM.

Eucalyptus resinifera (red mahogany) …antiviral 2012, archival print on paper, 126x97cm, 1/3, €1050 (exhibition price) © Renata Buziak

Arbus precatorius 2013, archival print on paper, 43x100cm, 1/5, €550 (exhibition price) © Renata Buziak

exhibition opening September 2nd, 2017 , photo © Willem Overtoom

Renata Buziak “Biochrome – Medicinal Plant Cycle” 2017, photo © Pete Purnell
- “World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces – Renata Buziak” by Walter van Teffellen in e-magazine “If Then is Now”: http://Renata Buziak by Walter van Teffellen 5 October 2017
- Renata Buziak’s “Medicinal Plant Cycle” @ Gaffa Gallery (Sydney) by Daniel Pateman: http://london-photography-diary.com/review-renata-buziaks-medicinal-plant-cycles-gaffa-gallery/
- Daniel Pateman published in Eyeline Magazine (September 2017 edition):
- “Fact Sheet: My Garden Path – Renata Buziak” ABC TV 16 July 2016: http://www.abc.net.au/gardening/stories/s4501916.htm
- GUP magazine, issue no 55 (December 2017). Portfolio “Medicinal Plant Cycle)
Email: renata@renata-buziak.com
Mob: +61401 664400
Website: www.renata-buziak.com
2016 Doctor of Philosophy, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, QLD
2017 Medicinal Plant Cycles, WM Gallery Amsterdam Netherlands (2 Sept -6 Oct 2017)
Medicinal Plant Cycles, Gaffa Gallery, Sydney NSW (March 2017)
2016 The Healing Ribbon, Quandamooka Festival, Photography Gallery, Point Lookout North Stradbroke Island
Medicinal Plant Cycles, Redland Art Gallery, Cleveland QLD
Unfolding Rhythm II, Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery, QLD
2015 Medicinal Plant Cycles, POP Gallery, Woolloongabba QLD
2014 Unfolding Rhythms, The Hold Art Space, West End QLD
2013 Biochromes: North Stradbroke Island Flora, NSI Historical Museum, Lines in the Sand Festival, Dunwich QLD
Afterimage, ANCA Gallery, Dickson ACT
2011 Afterimage, Red Gallery, Fitzroy, VIC
Absence, Queensland Centre for Photography, Brisbane, QLD
2010 Marine Cove, Pine Rivers Art Gallery, Strathpine, QLD
2009 Afterimage, Queensland Centre for Photography, Brisbane, QLD
2008 Biochromes: Collaboration with Nature, A QPAC Art Spaces Exhibition, South Bank, QLD
2007 Biochromes, Blender Gallery, Paddington, NSW
2006 Botanica 2006 – Australian Native Plants Artist-in-Residence, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha, QLD
2015 Habitat: Artworks & Stories of Pine Rivers Gardens, Pine Rivers Art Gallery, QLD
2013 Doves With Me: Sharka Bosakova & Renata Buziak, Artisan, Fortitude Valley, QLD
2011 UNDER_SCORED, Juggler’s Art Space, Fortitude Valley, QLD
2010 Untamed Gardens, The Wandering Room, Qld Festival for Photography, South Bank, QLD
2007 Walter Stahl + Renata Buziak, Joel Fine Art, Paddington, QLD
2010 Shadows of Your Garden, Marcedes-Benz Fashion Festival Exhibition, The Arbour Parklands, South Bank, QLD
2006 The Current Crop: Revealing the Region, Brisbane Square Outdoor Public Exhibition
2017 Planetary Gardening, PhotoAccess, Manuka Arts Centre Canberra ACT (March 2017)
Scenes of our city: Gadens Brisbane Collection, Museum Of Brisbane, QLD
The Print Exposed, Gold Street Studios, VIC
Nature Morte – Contemporary artists reinvigorate the Still-Life, National Museum in Wrocław, Poland
The Refuge of Rhythm @ BrisAsia Festival, Brisbane City Hall performance, QLD
2016 Plenty, Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm QLD
Land Dialogues, Wagga Wagga Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga NSW
2015 Nature studied: Trees, plants, gardens, Geraldton Regional Art Gallery, Geraldton WA
Float, Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm QLD
Cast By The Sun, The Hold Artspace, West End QLD & Temple University, Philadelphia USA
2014 Hot Island Lines in the Sand / Arts Festival, North Stradbroke Island QLD
Ars Polonia International Biennale, Opole, Poland
2013 TREASURES: The Art of Collecting, QCP, South Bank QLD
The Al-Mutanabbi Street Coalition – internationally traveling artists’ books exhibition
2012 TreeLine: People, Art, Science, Nature, Residency & Exhibition, Caloundra Regional Gallery, QLD
2011 Voicing Concerns, Queensland Centre for Photography, Brisbane, QLD
2010 Synchronicity – Contemporary Queensland Photography, Redcliff City Art Gallery, Redcliff, QLD
Photo LA, International Photographic Art Exposition, Los Angeles, USA
2009 Synchronicity – Contemporary Queensland Photography, Toowoomba Regional Gallery, QLD
Sharing… Wespół…, QCA Traveling exhibition throughout Poland
Art on Record Vol 2, APW Gallery, Long Island, NYC, USA
2008 Memoirs: Selected Photographs from the Daryl Hewson Collection, The State Library of Queensland
2007 Look Small Think Big, Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Surfers Paradise, QLD
2015 Blue Flask. Pictorial Value of Photography 1914/2014, Photography Competition Finalist, The National Museum in Wrocław Poland
2014 Moreton Bay Art Awards 2014, Finalist, Pine Rivers Art Gallery QLD
2012 ACTS Sustainability Photo Competition, 3rd place, 12th International ACTS Conference, South Brisbane
Sunshine Coast Art Prize 2012, Finalist, Caloundra Regional Gallery, QLD
2009 Wilson HTM National Art Prize, Finalist, Jan Murphy Gallery, Fortitude Valley, QLD
Moreton Bay Art Awards 2009, Finalist, Pine Rivers Art Gallery, QLD
2008 Launch, Clayton Utz Travelling Scholarship, Finalist, Metro Arts, QLD
New Scientist Eureka Prize for Science Photography, Australian Museum, NSW; a nationally touring exhibition
St Sebastian’s Spring Art Exhibition, Emerging Art Prize, Winner, Yeronga, QLD
2007 Josephine Ulrick & Win Schubert Photography Award, Finalist, Gold Coast City Art Gallery, QLD
The Churchie National Emerging Art Exhibition, Finalist, East Brisbane, QLD
Redland Art Gallery Qld, Queensland Centre for Photography (QCP), Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, Mater Hospital Qld, Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital Qld, Southbank Corporation QLd, Sunsuper Qld, Gadens Lawyers Qld, Thiess Pty Ltd Qld, Daryl Hewson Collection, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha, University of Queensland, North Stradbroke Island Historical Museum, Dunwich Qld, Brisbane Grammar School, Griffith University Gold Coast, UMCS University in Lublin Poland, Academy of Fine Art in Warsaw Poland, The National Museum in Wrocław Poland, The Americas Biennial Exhibition Archive, private collections.
2016 Buziak, Renata. 2016. “Art, healing and local medicinal plants of Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island)”. In Brisbane Diseased: Contagions, Cures and Controversies. Edited by Alana Piper. Salisbury, Qld. Boolarong Press, pp. 193-213.
2014 Studio Research Journal, Buziak, Renata. 2014. “Biochromes and Healing Plants: Transdisciplinary Studio Research”, Studio Research Journal, Issue #2, July 2014, pp. 44-55.
2010 Renata Buziak Afterimage, V. Garnons-Williams (essay), L. Rexer (foreword), R. Buziak, Queensland Centre for Photography, South Brisbane
2016-17 Flickering Overtones, Harrigans Lane Projects, Wilson Downfalls, NSW
2016 Bilpin international ground for Creative initiatives (BigCi) Blue Mountains NSW
2014 Hot Island, Lines in the Sand Arts Festival, Point Lookout, North Stradbroke Island QLD
100 Futures: Now! Kelvin Grove State College, QLD
2013 Nature First, Lines in the Sand Arts Festival, Artist in Residence, North Stradbroke Island QLD
2012 TreeLine: People, Art, Science, Nature, Residency School Programs & Exhibition, Sunshine Coast QLD
2006 Botanica: Australian Native Plants, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha, Brisbane QLD
2013 Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), Moreton Bay Regional Council
2011 Australian Postgraduate Award
2010 Arts Queensland Career Development Grant (Afterimage Publication)
2008 NAVA Janet Holmes a Court Artists’ Grant (Exhibition)
2006 Arts Queensland Career Development Grant (International Festival of Photography in Slovakia)
2016 ABC TV Gardening Australia: My Garden Path: Renata Buziak http://www.abc.net.au/gardening/stories/s4501916.htm
2015 Artilink Renata Buziak Unfolding Rhythms II, Carol Schwarzman, exhibition review, August 2016.
Knowing and Knowledge: The Interdisciplinary Research of Visual Artist Renata Buziak, Dr Victoria Cooper, Medicinal Plants Cycles, October 2015
The Absolute Authority of Authenticity, Simon Marsh, Panoptic Press, Jan 2015.
Renata Buziak Biochromes, Artist Talk /Vanessa Tomlinson/Time-lapse Videos, Panoptic Press, YouTube.
2014 Unfolding Rhythms, R. Woodrow, Aesthetic Essence of the Biochrome, Solo Exhibition Catalogue
Ogród, Louise Martin-Chew, Hayward Fine Art exhibition catalogue, 31 October 2014
Aesthetic Essence of the Biochromes, Prof Ross Woodrow, Unfolding Rhythms, April 2014.
2013 Art Monthly, Renata Buziak Afterimage Book Review, Dr Anne Kirker, June 2013, p. 52.
Artalmanac, Renata Buziak – Afterimage: how memories decompose, Ass Prof Marian Drew, 30 April 2013.
Renata Buziak Afterimage, Unless you will (UYW), Issue 24, January 2013, pp. 116-137
2012 Positive Feedback Loop Exhibition catalogue, QCA Griffith University, South Bank, QLD
2011 AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRAPHY AND GALLERY COMPENDIUM 2011, Daylight Productions, pp. 88-89.
2010 Look: Contemporary Australian Photography since 1980, A. Marsh, Macmillan Publishers pp. 195, 379
Photo Review Australia, Me and the Microbes, S. Packer, Issue 46, Dec-Feb 2010/11, pp. 24-30
Silvershotz, Queensland Centre for Photography Featured Artists, Vol 6, Ed 3, 2010, p. 34-39
LUCIDA, ‘Afterimge’ Review, R. Smith, [on-line] lucidamagazine.com
Biochrome (c) Renata Buziak
Tags: Renata Buziak