Cees Smit “Nostalgic Service Stations” 17-19.03.2023
February 19, 2023 4:09 pmNostalgic Service Stations by Cees Smit

© Cees Smit
Since 2019, I’m painting nostalgic service stations. The background of this was the writing of a book on blood transfusion, hemophilia and the trade in human blood. In the United States you can sell your bloodplasma for money. That money is used for the daily shopping or gas for the car. To symbolize this trade, these paintings were made as illustration for this book.
Information about my books and paintings can be found at www.smitvisch.nl
Email: info@smitvisch.nl
Cees Smit will be present in the gallery Friday March 17th from 3 to 5pm and Sunday March 19th, from 3 to 5pm

Benzinepomp Alpen © Cees Smit
Nostalgische benzinestations van Cees Smit
Vanaf 2019 schilder ik nostalgische benzinestations. De aanleiding hiervoor was het schrijven van een boek over bloedtransfusie, hemofilie en de handel in menselijk bloed. In Amerika kun je je bloed verkopen voor geld. Dat geld wordt gebruikt voor de dagelijkse boodschappen of voor benzine in de auto. Om deze handel te symboliseren, zijn de schilderijen ontstaan voor dit boek.
Informatie over mijn schilderijen en boeken is te vinden op www.smitvisch.nl
Email: info@smitvisch.nl
Cees Smit zal aanwezig zijn in de galerie vrijdag 17 maart van 15 tot 17 uur en zondag 19 maart van 15 tot 17 uur

Food truck © Cees Smit

Bermtoerisme © Cees Smit

© Cees Smit
Cees Smit (1951) studied business economics at the Free University of Amsterdam. He has severe haemophilia A and was coordinator of the Netherlands Society of Hemophilia Patients (NVHP) from 1987 to 1998. Starting in 1978, he became involved in the “Hemophilia in The Netherlands” surveys conducted by the Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Leiden University Medical Center. In 2003, he received an honorary doctorate from the College of Deans of the University of Amsterdam in recognition of his work on haemophilia, patient participation, and medical biotechnology. He is the author of several books on hemophilia, HIV, ageing, and the role of patient groups in health care.
Walter van Teeffelen over Cees Smit:
Nederlandse versie: https://ifthenisnow.eu/nl/verhalen/de-benzinestations-van-cees-smit
English version: http://marbellamarbella.es/2023-04-27/world-fine-art-professionals-and-their-key-pieces-412-cees-smit/

Cees Smit (left) together with Paul Schäublin and blogger Walter van Teeffelen photo © Pete Purnell
Tags: Cees Smit