Pete’s Portraits 2002

February 7, 2002 10:35 pm Published by

Lukas Maximilian Hueller ‘Cuba: Musicos y Otras Impressionas’ 2002, photo by Pete Purnell



Wanda Michalak with Lukas Maximilian Hueller ‘Cuba: Musicos y Otras Impressionas’ 2002, photo by Pete Purnell


Krzysztof Wojciechowski “Relations & Notices” 2002 photo by Pete Purnell

Janusz Szczucki “Relations & Notices” 2002 photo by Pete Purnell


W. Michalak with K. Wojciechowski and J. Szczucki “Relations & Notices” 2002 photo by Pete Purnell


Frederieke Jochems “Family Tales” 2002 photo by Pete Purnell


Wanda Michalak with Frederieke Jochems “Family Tales” 2002 photo by Pete Purnell


François Delebecque “Beach Dreams & other Remarkable vegetables” 2002 photo by Pete Purnell


Wanda Michalak with François Delebecque 2002 photo by Pete Purnell