Enrique Collar “Stills: Volume II” 31.05-29.06.2024

April 7, 2024 2:00 pm Published by

Enrique Collar’s (Paraguay 1964) monochromes are gems; beautiful, slightly shiny little things, redolent of half-forgotten memories, scintillating gleams from fading dreams, flashes of scenes from long-forgotten films..

Space, both physical and conceptual, is a central element in Collar’s work and takes on a captivating role as he integrates the language of cinematography into his paintings. Drawing upon his experience as a filmmaker, Collar enriches his art with a multidimensional quality, inviting viewers to engage with his compositions on a deeply immersive level. This fusion of disciplines allows Collar to transcend the two-dimensional canvas, transporting us into a realm where the mundane becomes extraordinary, infused with a luminous glow reminiscent of Latin American magical realism.


The sheer devotion Collar invests in his craft is evident in the meticulous process of creating each painting. Taking between two to four months to complete a large canvas, he displays unwavering patience, ensuring every minute detail is rendered with precision. This painstaking approach allows Collar to craft a reality that transcends the confines of the rectangular canvas, transporting viewers to the essence of daily life, illuminated in radiant splendor.
