Marlo Broekmans “Of Women and Boys” 8.06 – 8.07.2000
June 8, 2000 8:47 pmMarlo Broekmans
“of women and boys”
….She turns her ass into a planet, bends her bulging belly in the shape of a new woman, like sensual mandala.
She multiplies herself playfully into a variety of forms; hilarious, brooding, wild, seducing, grotesque; beings appearing out of the black luminous spirits.
The men are dreaming or asleep at the lap of their women / friends, quietly bending under the hovering feet of their mistress, or sitting alone with a melancholic gaze. A penis dripping under a butterfly leaf… (“larme dámour”)
Marlo Broekmans
Born in Hoorn, Holland, 1953
Studied Pedagogy and Psychology.
Autodidact as a photographer since 1977.
Worked together with Diana Blok as a creative couple from 1979 till 1981. Occupied herself with travel reportage, portraiture and selfportraiture. Numerous travels to India, Nepal and Thailand.
Reportage’s on Woman’s Events, Saddhus, Sleepers, an ancient Kingdom, freaks and dreams. Works with a Mamiya 600 SE camera on Polaroid 665 pos./neg. for her selfportraits.

“Dreamer” © Marlo Broekmans

© Marlo Broekmans

© Marlo Broekman