Ryszard Czernow “The Walls of Kazimierz” 5.06 – 10.07.2004
June 5, 2004 9:10 pm![]() |
The Walls of KazimierzThe Polish photographer Ryszard Czernow presents a serie photos about the Kazimierz district, the old historic Jewish part of Cracow.
“When nearly five years ago I visited the Kazimierz District of Cracow I was taken aghast by it’s desolation. In spite of the tragic events that took place here over fifty years ago I thought I would find at least some scraps of the life I had seen in the old black and white photographs. Unfortunately there was only emptiness. The old tenement houses, like scenery for a play performed long ago, were terrifying with empty “eye sockets” of the windows. When I approached the walls, however, they began to “talk” with the traces of the former life.” (Ryszard Czernow, 2004) |
![]() Ryszard Czernow “The Walls of Kazimierz”: Mozaika |
The Walls of Kazimierz
De Pooslse fotograaf Ryszard Czernow presenteert een reeks fotos over de wijk Kazimierz, de oude historische joodse gedeelte van Krakow. “Vijf jaar geleden, toen ik de Kazimierz wijk in Krakow bezocht werd ik verrast door de heersende desolatie. Ondanks de tragische gebeurtenissen die er vijftig jaar geleden plaatsvonden dacht ik tenminste wat sporen van het vroegere leven terug te kunnen vinden, dat ik gezien had op oude zwart-wit fotos. Jammer genoeg trof ik er alleen maar leegte. De oude gebouwen, lijkend op een levend decor van een jaren geleden gespeeld toneelstuk, waren schikwekkend door de lege “oogholtes” van hun ramen. En toch, toen ik dichter bij de muren kwam, begonnen de sporen van een vroeger leven te “praten.” (Ryszard Czernow, 2004) De expositie is te zien van 5 juni t/m 10 juli 2004 in Gallery WM, Elandsgracht 35 te Amsterdam. De opening vindt plaats op zaterdag 5 juni van 17.00 tot 19.00 uur. |
![]() Ryszard Czernow “Drzwi z metalu” |
![]() Ryszard Czernow “Bruk” |
Ryszard CzernowRyszard Czernow, photographer, film cameraman, director. Born August 5, 1959 in Krzeszowice near Cracow. Graduated from Postgraduate College of Photography in Katowice, further studied at the Film College at the department for cameramen. After graduation he remains at school and works there for five years, first as an assistant teacher and then a lecturer at the cameramen and film director’s departments. At the same time directs several music and documentary films, including “The Bus” – awarded at the festival of art films – about a picture from Bronislaw Linke. Since 1994 a member of the Union of Polish Artists – Photographers. Author of several photography exhibitions, including “The Traces” in 1994 and ‘Who I Was, I simply Was” – a portrait of a famous rock musician, Ryszard Riedel. Since 1990 runs his own professional advertising studio “Chernoff Studio” in Katowice, specializing in advertising photography and image computerisation. |