2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020

Co de Kruijf “Homo Turisticus” 04.09 – 04.10.2020

July 8, 2020 5:00 pm Published by

Co de Kruijf “Homo Turisticus” toen was de druk nog heel gewoon… Finissage zondag 4 oktober 2020  13:00 – 18:00 uur ************************************************************************************************************************* In verband met de aangescherpte corona-maatregelen moet je... Continue reading

2019 2018

“Power & Ancestors” Group Exhibition : Papa Adama (BF), Ron Amir (IL-NL), Margo van Berkum (NL), Rotem Bides (IL), Enrique Collar (PY), Arturo Desimone (AW-AR), Tamar Rozenblat Goiati (NL), Marion Inglessi (GR), Nour-Eddine Jarram (MA-NL), Steven Jouwersma (NL), Terrence Musekiwa (ZW), Hajnal Németh (HU), Casper Prager (NL), Xavier Robles de Medina (SR) 03.03 – 07.04.2018

January 28, 2018 8:56 pm Published by

PRESS-RELASE POWER & ANCESTORS Group exhibition with visual art works by 14 local and international artists, with various techniques, including painting, drawing, sculpture, video – curated by Arturo Desimone &... Continue reading


Capillary Culture

January 2, 2017 8:26 pm Published by

The Centrality of Hair by João Manoel Feliciano and Fleur Ouwerkerk Judges 16:19– And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused... Continue reading


Through Deserts & Dusty Roads

October 28, 2016 9:45 pm Published by

mini-expositie met foto’s en video’s van Wanda Michalak en Paul Schäublin, 28 t/m 30 oktober 2016. Opening vrijdag 28 oktober vanaf 17:00 uur.  Bush fire               ... Continue reading


September 17, 2016 6:03 pm Published by

Tadeusz Rolke and Krzysztof Wojciechowski 17 September  – 22 October opening Saturday 17 September 2016 17:00-19:00 Two established Polish photographers, two photographic seriesTadeusz Rolke (1929) and Krzysztof Wojciechowski (1947) shoot two... Continue reading

Light of the North

May 19, 2016 6:30 pm Published by

Aurora Borealis – The Northern Lights.  Photographs and video by Pete Purnell Saturday 27 August to Saturday 10 September 2016 Mysterious and intriguing, Aurora, “The Green Goddess”. Photographed in her... Continue reading

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Zofia Rydet, Grzegorz Rogala, Andrzej Dragan “Portraying the Surreal, three generations in Polish Photography 25.09 – 24.10.2010

September 25, 2010 11:56 pm Published by

Zofia Rydet ‘Cycle Annihilation’ 1970“Portraying the Surreal, three generations in Polish Photography”Zofia Rydet (1911-1997), Grzegorz Rogala (1956) and Andrzej Dragan (1978) at WM Gallery Opening: Saturday 25.09; 17.00-18.30  and Grzegorz Rogala and Lodz Kaliska (1979) at the Wine Terminus on... Continue reading

“Know Thyself Dialogues” Group Exhibition: Aimée Zito Lema (Arg/NL) Brian Hill (SA/NL) Frederieke Jochems (NL) Florencia Levy (Arg) Xander Ferreira (Gazelle) (SA) Gideon Smit (UK/NL) Grzegorz Rogala (PL) Iva Supic (Cro) Jimmy Rage (Jam/NL) Kato Tan (NL) Kristina Benjocki (Srb) Hans Derks (NL) Leszek Sczaniecki (PL/NL) Pete Purnell (UK) Wanda Michalak (PL/NL) Dr. Alexandra Schüssler (Cz/Au) BA Arjanne Schaaf (NL) Prof. Dr. Mattijs van de Port (NL) Dr. Vicente Zito Lema (Arg) 10.04 – 15.05.2010

April 10, 2010 11:34 pm Published by

  Presentatie: Anthropologists in Art Journal #1: “Know Thyself Dialogues”: 8 Mei 2010 Autoportret sladak – G. Rogala Know Thyself, an artistic anthropological study on Self-Portraiture: In deze eerste groepstentoonstelling... Continue reading

2009 2008

Tia Ryan “Absentia” 17.10- 22.11.2008

October 17, 2008 6:36 pm Published by

Tia Ryan “Black Venus” Absentia is Tia Ryan’s (San Francisco, 1983) first solo-exhibition in Amsterdam’s WM gallery. Ryan’s photographic portraiture seeks to bridge the gap between familiar iconography(in this case the surrealist artist... Continue reading

2007 2006

“AGUA” (De wereld van het water) Group Exhbition: Diana Blok (Uruguay/Nederland), Juliana Flashkamp (Argentinië), Raúl Góngora (Mexico), Neyde Lantyer (Brasilië), Roberto Mancuso (Uruguay), Maria Morales (Cuba), Patricia Ribas (Brasilië), Yamandú Roos (Uruguay), Victor Rubén Vargas (Argentinië), Héctor Vilche (Uruguay) 7.01 – 21.01.2006

January 7, 2006 8:32 pm Published by

  ‘AGUA’ (De wereld van het water) 7.01 – 21.01.2006 Diana Blok (Uruguay/Nederland) De tentoonstelling “Agua” (“De wereld van het water”) presenteert werken van verschillende in Nederland woonachtige Latijns-Amerikaanse fotografen.... Continue reading

2005 2004

“Dreams and Shadows” Artistic Impressions of Argentine Reality, Group Exhibition: Sonia Barrozo, Dolores de Torres, Salvador Dufaur, Vicky Telayna, Pat. Quiros, Carolina Baya, Santiago Correa, Gabriela Mittulo, Malala Santambrogio, Claudio Lucino, Stella Luna, Martin Bentura en Miguel Zurraco 13.11 – 13.12.2004

November 13, 2004 8:49 pm Published by

El Baldío Movíl Deelnemende fotografen:  Sonia Barrozo, Dolores de Torres, Salvador Dufaur, Vicky Telayna, Pat. Quiros, Carolina Baya, Santiago Correa, Gabriela Mittulo, Malala Santambrogio, Claudio Lucino, Stella Luna, Martin Bentura... Continue reading

“30 Dirty Pictures” Group Exhibition: Tom Baas, Karin Balog, Harrie Blommesteijn, Eric van den Boom, Wim Broekman, Gon Buurman, Marina Chernivoka, Inga Cholmogorova, Marine Derks, Andrew Dreyer, Toto Frima, Aloys Ginjaar, Sebastien Goy, Brian Hill, Luc ten Klooster, Roberto Mancuso, Cindy Marler, Glen Murray, Wanda Michalak, Cornelia Nauta, Jac. B. Rieder, Fred Rohde, Rolf Slagboom, Gosia Stepien, Volja, Claas Wernicke, Jackie Maria Wessels, Leszek Sczaniecki, Marek Sulek, Caspar Veeger 23.10 – 7.11.2004

October 23, 2004 8:55 pm Published by

  Het idee voor ’30 dirty pictures’ is als grap ontstaan in de rozentuin van de Gallery WM op een zomerse namiddag. Twee jaar later gaat het project, dat als grap begon,... Continue reading


“Egosentrika” Group Exhibition: Roberto Mancuso Alvarez, Jaap Bijsterbosch, Virginia Diaz, Brian Hill, Frederieke Jochems, Cindy Marler, Wanda Michalak, Krzysztof Pruszkowski, Pete Purnell, Jac.B.Rieder, Gideon Smit, Leszek Sczaniecki, Tomek Sikora, Pawel Zak, Krystyna Ziach, Wilhelmus (Pim) Vlug, Mayumi Nagasaki 22.11 – 20.12.2003

November 22, 2003 9:22 pm Published by

“Wanda & Man About” 1957   Photographer Wanda Michalak asked several artists (fourteen photographers, a painter and a video artist) to portray her. The result can be viewed in the... Continue reading

2002 2001

“Selfish” group exhibition Saskia van Alem (NL), Baciar (NL), Jolande des Bouvrie (NL), Jaap Bijsterbosch (NL), Andrew Dreyer (South Africa), Toto Frima (NL), Frederieke Jochems (NL), Brian Hill (South Africa), Zbyszek Kosc (Poland), Wanda Michalak (Poland), Gideon Smit (Wales) and Michel Szulc-Krzyzanowski (NL) 29.11 – 22.12.2001

November 29, 2001 1:37 pm Published by

A group exhibition dedicated to self-portrait within photography. Saskia van Alem (NL), Baciar (NL), Jolande des Bouvrie (NL), Jaap Bijsterbosch (NL), Andrew Dreyer (South Africa), Toto Frima (NL), Frederieke Jochems... Continue reading

“20×20 Inches of Holland” Group exhibition: Jaap Bijsterbosch, Dirk Blij, Maarten Brinkgreve, Marlo Broekmans, Chico Colombo, Gé Dubbelman, Virginia Diaz, Aloys Ginjaar, Truus van Gog, Brian Hill, Michiel Kort, Cindy Marler, Wanda Michalak, Pete Purnell, Leszek Sczaniecki, Gideon Smit, Caspar Veeger, Leo Veger, Ton Werkhoven, Jenny E Wesly 28.06 – 2.09.2001

June 28, 2001 10:06 pm Published by

  WM Gallery requested 20 photographers to present their own personal view of the Netherlands, and gave them each a wall space of 20 inches to express their different interpretations.... Continue reading